Interviews 0

“We’re people like anyone else”

Aline quer deixar claro para quem ver esse documentário: “A prostituição não é um bicho de sete cabeças… a gente é gente como qualquer um.” Video em português.

Aline and Julie grab beers on Rua Ceará next to Vila Mimosa and talk about the documentary in progress.

Julie asks Aline, “What do you want to make sure that people watching this understand? Especially someone who doesn’t have any contact with prostitution?” Aline replies:

I want to make it really clear that prostitution is not a seven-headed beast.

People work here out of necessity. You don’t submit yourself to working in a place like this because you want to, or because you like it.

Some women enjoy the work, but plenty of women don’t.

I want you to understand that prostitutes are not animals, and we are not trash.

That’s why I work here. Out of necessity.

We’re people like anyone else. And there are people out there who won’t even drink out of the same glass as a prostitute.




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